When we play with fire, sometimes we get burned. Badly! For the last five years, I’ve been nearly obsessed with the promising Flow Science Research since first engaging Flow, initially finding it with ayahuasca and psilocybin to overcome depression, PTSD, addiction, and childhood sexual trauma that once garbled up my nervous system nearly killing me.
How is it that in Flow, we can have creativity spikes of 400-700%, at times augmented learning 430-460% and up-leveled productivity by 500%? Wow! Big numbers indeed.
I believe these are the same disruptive numbers that are fueling the psychedelic healing in clinical trials and the countless anecdotal stories of overcoming. How else does one explain the two-thirds of the participants in MDMA-assisted psychotherapy Phase 2 clinical trials that have shed their chronic PTSD diagnosis?
I help my clients with the psychedelic integration process. Integrate means to make whole. I am a believer that when one is outside the pale engaging these powerful disruptive healing agents, the buddy system is imperative.
In the same way, the sick get better shedding chronic diagnosis, can a healthy normal person use these elevated levels of creativity, learning, and productivity to follow their dreams? To be healthier, stronger, and more fit for serving humankind?
For cutting-edge information on the therapeutic value of psychedelic medicines please visit the Psychedelic Medicine Association
All Rights Reserved | Matthew Simpson